Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Drummers Part 2

So there are two candidates for drummer for the new project. One, is longtime friend and the first TAD drummer Steve Weiderhold. Steve has also been involved with FOIL and his newest band HELLEN BACK. Steve, as of the writing of this post, finished recording with HB last weekend. He is in good spirits and I feel very confident in his abilities as a drummer as well as a guitar player (of which he has been playing lately).

The other prospect is a fellow whom I met at a wholesale food and general equipment store where he works. Sean came up to me while I was in the checkout line and asked to see my membership card. I thought to myself as he perused the information on the card that he was going to streamline my stay at said wholesale outlet so I could get out of the establishment to enjoy the rest of my weekend. Then he looked up at me while still holding the card and asked if I was Tad Doyle, to which I replied that I was indeed. He started smiling excitedly exclaimed that he was a fan and said that he plays drums and that he is really good. I liked the attitude and confidence that he has of his abilities and energy that he expressed this.

I am still looking but I think that this is a good indication of things to come. Maybe Steve will be joining me on guitar and Sean will be the drummer.

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